STEP Council of the Genesee Region

Emergency Services Directory

The STEP Board is no longer maintaining the old Emergency Service Directory website. However, many of the features of that website are still available.

For organization contact information previously found through the search box on the ESD home page, use the search features at There you can search for organizations by keywords. For example, entering ‘Gates’ in the search box will bring up multiple organizations in the town of Gates including ambulance, fire and police services and even the library and other community organizations. There are many other types of resources that can be found by selecting the pertinent icon on the search page or clicking on one of the topics listed on the bottom of the search page.

To find sites offering EMS certification classes in the Finger Lakes region select ‘Specialized Directories’ at the bottom of the 211 home page, then select ‘Workforce Development’ and then choose the applicable category.

For the many web resources for first responders and others that were previously listed under the Educational Resources tab on the ESD website, select the Educational Resources under Resources tab at the top of this website. For upcoming classes, conferences, webinars, etc., select the calendar link.